Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Great Plague

2020 started with a horror bushfire season and the Abbey Museum ran a fund-raiser for the local firefighters; a couple of us attended to provide colour and storytelling ;-) and little realised that it'd be our last public show for ages :-(  A couple of months after that covid hit the world, and we all know how that went...

 I guess the good thing about enforced inactivity is that one gets a lot done...

I wrote a book for one daughter (birthday present)

And make a coverlet for one of the others (also a birthday present).

 I spent a lot of time sorting through all of our reenactment gear and fixing and decorating things; 2021 came around and I made myself some little earrings; dyed up some silk yarn and tablet-wove a belt, then carved the fittings out of pearl shell,

and embroidered a collar (also with the silk yarn).

The plague had died down enough we were able to attend AROW, which was wonderful after such a long break; I made another trunk,  and a tent for a friend... 

and started embroidering (with more of that silk yarn...) an antependium.

We were all rather crushed when a lockdown happened 3 days before the 2021 Abbey Medieval Festival :-( but figured that we'd have some really fine stuff to show off for Abbey 22 so just kept going ;-)

2022 saw me bite off nearly more than I could chew and start weaving a kilim in very fine yarn, which I tinkered with for the first 6 months of the year and only *just* got finished in time for Abbey22; I finished the Antependium in March, then made a jewelled processional cross:

The kilim took quite a lot of my time but I finished in in June, 

and along the way also made a bell-tower and huge tapered candles for the chapel tent.

Abbey Festival 2022 was the first big show we'd had in ages and all the little bits and pieces I'd been making finally all came together and it was wonderful! 

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