Thursday, September 12, 2024


 AROW is the Abbey Reenactors-Only Weekend and usually occurs on the May Day long weekend.  Aside from a chance to camp and socialise, it's invaluable as a practice set-up for the Abbey Festival (10,000 people a day!) and to test that all the new gear and ideas that emerged over the summer period actually work...

Sam got to test out her new tent:

Nat got to set up her new Scribe's display:

I got to test out the cardwoven fence and the new sign:

We set the new Kids' Tent up and it was very well received :-)

Our first-aiders had an inservice with the new kit.

We all had a play with the flint and steel, and the kids made tiny fires (in the fire tray...)

Rob set up his axe-throwing target and some lovely viking lasses joined our girls throwing for most of the afternoon :-)

We had some rather charming visitors when it came time to pack down and head home :-)

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